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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

Conflict Resolution

Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


Boost Self- Esteem; Decrease 
Personal Insecurity and Anxiety, 
Increase Productivity.


I know the word "self-esteem" can be over-used at times, but isn’t it true that we are hardest on ourselves? Expecting too much from ourselves, never feeling as though we're done, comparing ourselves to other people, subtly seeking approval from others- it’s just an exhausting way to live. Find the inspiration to treat yourself better and find your own happiness within, therefore becoming more effective in your external interactions. The more secure
and centered in yourself you are, the more capable you become and the more energy you free up to be productive.

Why is self–esteem important in your life? There is no judgment as important as the one we pass on ourselves. How you feel about yourself; the degree that you like yourself; the degree that you are satisfied with yourself right now, in this moment, is a thread that runs through every element in your life.

It crucially affects almost every aspect of our experience –determines so much in your life to include:

  • How you treat yourself and others.

  • How you allow others to treat you.

  • The mate you attract.

  • The career you have.

  • The income you earn.  

  • How you function at work. 

  • How you function in love.

  • The way you operate as a parent.

  • How successful you are at anything you try.

What do you believe you deserve out of life? That’s important to ask yourself, because that's exactly what you’ll allow yourself to receive. If at any deep level- conscious or subconscious, you don’t believe you deserve happiness or success, you will self-sabotage yourself- knowingly or unknowingly.

Is it selfish to want to have self-esteem? No! Genuine self-esteem is not competitive; it’s not expressed at the expense of others. It’s not a quest to make oneself superior to others or to diminish others to elevate one’s self. One of the most significant characteristics of healthy self-esteem is that the person is neither at war with himself or herself or with others. In fact, we all come into the world with a natural, high sense of self-esteem. In the absence of self-criticism, we all have inherently high self-esteem.

Learn how to:

  • Realize where your initial sense of self-value came from – your childhood. Who taught you your value in life? Is that accurate?

  • Understand that you don’t need to live out a “script” that was handed to you from your past- you can change it! So, ask yourself- have you left home yet emotionally?

  • Realize what self-esteem really is in a practical sense- it’s what you say when you talk to yourself. To what degree do you like yourself? We are constantly either stabbing ourselves in the back or patting ourselves on the back with the things we say to ourselves.

  • Recognize that it’s going to be a mental process. Your thinking will need to change, which will change your feelings and beliefs and then your behavior.

  • Understand that how you feel about yourself directly affects
    your levels of stress. 

  • Appreciate the power of your mind. You become what you think about most of the time, and everything you give language to will manifest itself. What you focus on is what you attract.

  • Thought recognition techniques- can you hear what you're thinking?

  • Grasp that you have control over what goes on inside of your own head. If you don’t, then who or what who does? Is it worth it to you to give away your power like that?

  • Introduction to the most common cognitive distortions

    • Over-generalizing

    • Global labeling

    • Filtering

    • Either/or thinking

    • Self-blame

    • Center of the universe

    • Control fallacies

  • Have a “rapid response” defense system to combat the inner critic-the 5 methods for disproving automatic thoughts.

  • Go on the offensive - re-program your inner subconscious “tapes” from the old, irrational, negative messages to the person you want to be using affirmations.

  • The three keys to writing and using affirmations.

  • Learn how to put your mind into "neutral" periodically to enhance creativity, concentration, and relaxation. Would you agree that we “think too much”?

  • Learn to use the powerful mental tool of visualization to imagine, or “image-in” exactly what it is you want to manifest in your life.

  • Stop keeping yourself constantly running throughout life and feeling
    as though you’re never done by setting daily realistic goals using the “anti- run” to do list. 

  • Cope more easily with overwhelming workloads, unrealistic
    expectations, and daily dramas that cause stress and burn out.

  • Overcome perfectionism by coming to terms with what it’s costing you. It keeps you constantly “running” and feeling as though you’re never done because whatever it is your doing or focusing on can always be better than the way it is right now. Have you ever met a perfectionist with a sense of inner peace and fulfillment?

  • Stop over generalizing about parts of your body that you perceive are not optimal by using the body esteem scale.

  • Get in touch with what you are grateful for and what is going
    well in your life, and be able to remind yourself and return to it quickly.


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