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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

Conflict Resolution

Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


 Assertive and Professional   
Communication Skills  


Life gets easier and you live with less resentment when you can speak up for yourself in an assertive and professional way – both at work and at home. Saying the right thing, in the right place, at the right time, and in the right way is an indispensable career skill.   

Between the style extremes of passive and aggressive is an effective, winning approach- the assertive style.  

Assertive communication doesn’t mean overbearing, pushy, or autocratic; it’s a balanced approach that assures you’ll handle people, get things done, and communicate- all in the same level-headed, confident manner.

Learn how to: 

  • Understand the common beliefs that often cause us either
    misunderstanding or hesitance in exhibiting assertiveness.

  • Assess common passive and aggressive traits and discover
    if any of these interfere with your effectiveness.

  • Incorporate quick “pattern interrupt” techniques into your life to
    cool yourself down when you feel yourself starting to "lose it."

  • Appreciate the role that self-esteem plays in assertiveness. If you do 
    not believe that you have any rights to assert, then assertiveness 
    training will not help you.

  • Realize that respect for others begins with respect for yourself.

  • Hear and interpret the total message- not just the words, but subtle
    messages of tone, inflection, and body language.

  • Recognize the important role that the 3 elements of communication- 
    fact’s feelings, and judgments- play in conversation.

  • Start potentially uncomfortable conversations in the “third” person, 
    which greatly reduces defensiveness. Techniques to help 2 people 
    to agree on the same detached, description of the problem.

  • Realize the importance of “I” statements and focusing on behavior, not the person.

  • Understand that feelings must be acknowledged before problem solving. 
                   The steps are: 

    • 1/ share 

    • 2/ acknowledge 

    • 3/ problem solving

  • Accept compliments without minimizing their impact.

  • Say no to people without seeming disagreeable or unprofessional.

  • How to use the “fogging” and “broken record’ techniques in effectively 
    in assertive communication.

  • Practice applying skills through role- playing  with common assertive
    communication scenarios.


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