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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

Conflict Resolution

Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


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Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


In this issue:

  1. Monthly Article: What’s the Point?
  2. About the author.
  3. Privacy statement.
  4. Subscription information.


1. What’s the Point?

On a recent weekend I was making a list of all the projects that needed to be done to set up my new house.  Add shelves in the garage.  Paint the kitchen.  Organize closets.  It was endless.  Feeling overwhelmed, I took a break and realized I was expending all of my energy on what I had to “do.”  Do this.  Do that.  Do. Do. Do.  And this was supposed to be my weekend?

Halfway through the list, I stopped myself.  As I thought about what I was doing, I wondered how I would feel if the house was in perfect shape and everything was done.  Would I relax at that point?  Would I sit back and admire what had I done and feel a sense of satisfaction?  Or would I just move onto the next project? Knowing myself well, I realized I would probably just move onto the next project, and I couldn’t help but wonder, “What exactly is the point of all this?”

As I thought longer, it seemed to me the point wasn’t to get to the end, but to enjoy the journey.  We’ve all heard the expression, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”  Yet, somehow, most of us live each day like were driving to a destination at 100 mph and have to get there before the stroke of midnight.  But where, exactly, are we trying to get?

I am a strong believer in setting goals.  I think goals give us focus, help use measure our progress and help us achieve success quicker than we could without goals.  Where I have trouble at times is remembering that not everything has to be a goal.  And making everything a goal can sometimes rob us of the joy of the process. 

When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do, ask yourself, “What is the point?”  I believe the point of life is to enjoy the journey and have as many positive experiences as you can.  The point is not to finish everything you think you need to in order to be “done” and only then enjoy your life.  Bring yourself back to this point as often as you can.  With the upcoming holidays and all the attendant stress, it’s the perfect time to remind yourself of the point.  Is the point to be exhausted, broke, and resentful of all the work you have to do, or is the point to enjoy family and friends and create lasting memories?  Is the point to get to the New Year so you can breathe a sigh of relief that it’s all over with, or is the point to enjoy the moments that come only once a year?

When you ask yourself the question, “What is the point?” you might be surprised by the answer. The answer might cause you to change course and do something that is initially uncomfortable. But you’ll be better off for having asked the question.  Bring yourself back to the point as often as you can, because you can never get back the time you lose.


2. Kevin Stacey is a professional speaker/trainer who works with organizations that want to enhance their bottom line by investing in their most important resource, their people, through training programs that increase their effectiveness and eliminate negativity and self-induced problems. He develops and delivers captivating programs packed with practical information that seminar participants can immediately put to use. With an extensive background in clinical healthcare through both civilian and military settings and the managed care industry, he has developed a variety of training programs and presented over 400 professional speaking engagements for over 9,000 audience members throughout the United States and internationally. 

Contact Information:
Kevin M. Stacey

TrainRight, Inc.

222 Samuel Drive

Whitinsville, MA 01588


E-mail: Kevin@KevinStacey.com

Web: www.KevinStacey.com or www.TrainRightInc.com
For a free consulting call to determine the most appropriate customized training program for your organization and its particular challenges, call 1-800-603-7168.

For an on-line demo video clip of Kevin in action, click here:

Click below for the curriculum/program highlights of Kevin’s corporate training programs:



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