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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

Conflict Resolution

Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


In this issue:

  1. Monthly Article: Play a better scene.
  2. About the author.
  3. Privacy statement.
  4. Subscription information.


1. Play a better scene.

Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re constantly playing scenes in your mind. We think over 50,000 thoughts a day and our minds mostly work in pictures or images. These scenes can be almost anything, as in any random imagination or dream, but mostly they are related to your life’s events and circumstances.

Unfortunately, many folks cause themselves self-induced pain by becoming experts in their own perceived problems. Not in solving them, but in going over them in their heads and re-playing the same negative scene. They rehearse all of the vivid details of how they don’t want things to be or fear they will turn out. The scenes usually involve imagining the worst case scenarios, blowing situations out of proportion and rehearsing how awful things could be and what terrible effects they will have on you. Playing these types of scenes in your mind accomplishes nothing except making you feel anxious and stressed out. This is simply a misuse of the gift of imagination! The good news is that you are always the creator and producer of the scenes that play in your mind, and you can play a positive scene just as easily as a negative scene.

To play a new scene, ask yourself the following question (it may be shocking for some), "How would I like things to be?" Then start thinking and dwelling on that. For example, ask yourself the question, "How would I like my work week to be?" The answer may be that you would like to be calm, caught up, relaxed and confident. How would you look being relaxed and confident? Simply get a clear mental picture of your week going the way you would like it to go. Put yourself in the picture having all of the attributes and characteristics you want to possess, as if it is already so. See the end result as if it has already happened. How would you like your relationships or marriage to be? See it. Dwell on it. Give it all of the vivid details it deserves. Let it make you smile. Release all your thoughts of self doubt and worrying about how it will happen or if it is possible.

Shift from visualizing what you fear to visualizing what you desire. Very few people think about, describe, and talk with others about what they would like to happen or how they would like things to turn out. Since our expectations are so powerful, the goal is to catch yourself when you begin to play the same old scene and quickly shift your focus. The way I do it is simply to say to myself, "Oops, I’m starting to worry about situation ______, how would I like that to turn out?" So subtle, but so transforming.


2. Kevin Stacey is a professional speaker/trainer who works with organizations that want to enhance their bottom line by investing in their most important resource, their people, through training programs that increase their effectiveness and eliminate negativity and self-induced problems. He develops and delivers captivating programs packed with practical information that seminar participants can immediately put to use. With an extensive background in clinical healthcare through both civilian and military settings and the managed care industry, he has developed a variety of training programs and 300 professional speaking engagements for over 8,000 audience members throughout the United States and internationally. 

Contact Information:
Kevin M. Stacey

TrainRight, Inc.

43 Kosta St.

Worcester, MA 01607


E-mail: Kevin@KevinStacey.com

Web: www.KevinStacey.com or www.TrainRightInc.com
For a free consulting call to determine the most appropriate customized training program for your organization and its particular challenges, call 1-800-603-7168.

For an on-line demo video clip of Kevin in action, click here:

Click below for the curriculum/program highlights of Kevin’s corporate training programs:



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