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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

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Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


Copyright 2002 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


In this issue:

  1. Monthly Article: Pursuing Happiness, Part 2
  2. About the author.
  3. Privacy statement.
  4. Subscription information.


1. Pursuing Happiness, Part 2 (I’ve had many requests to expand on the April edition; hence here is Part 2)

"Happiness doesn’t depend upon what you have or who you are; it depends solely upon what you think." -Dale Carnegie


This powerful quote reminds us that happiness is not external, it’s an internal feeling. It’s feeling the greatest number of positive emotions. It doesn’t matter what your status in life is, financial position, or amount of material possessions. In fact, some of the happiest people I’ve run into are those that have the least and some of the most dissatisfied were people that seemingly would have nothing at all to complain about.

We have all heard the phrase "The grass is always greener on the other side." Why is that? Because I see the grass as greener on the other side as opposed to my side. That’s just how I see it. Other people may look at my life from different angles and see all kinds of great things to be excited about and grateful for. But I may not see those things. I may not be aware of them, overlook or discount them, or I may be looking for something else. But whatever I’m looking for is exactly what I’ll find. Not only will you find what you’re looking for, but also that’s all that you’ll see and that’s what will grow bigger in your life. You’ll exclude the other things. No matter how good your life is you can always find something that falls short or your expectations or falls short of being perfect. No matter how bad or miserable you think your life is you can always find something to appreciate in it.

The good news is that you can boost your level of happiness by changing nothing external, just by internally adjusting how you see things. So how do we change what were looking for? How do we see the splendor, the good things in our life? The answer is so easy, and the day that this clicks in your head is a good day. What you do is ask yourself a different question.

You see, how we feel at any given moment is a result of what we are focusing on, or what we see. What we are focusing on is a result of what we are looking for. What we are looking for is a result of how we are evaluating things, and how we are evaluating things is a result of what questions we are asking ourselves. We are constantly asking ourselves questions, and whatever questions we ask ourselves our minds always find the answers to. Many folks fall into the trap of asking themselves unpleasant questions such as: Why me? Why can’t this place get their act together? Why can’t these kids get themselves ready? Why does he/she do that, etc?

To change what you’re looking for, start by writing out the answer to these questions:

1/ What am I thankful about in my life right now? Come up with at least 5 things.

2/ Then, taking each item one at a time, ask yourself: what about that, specifically, makes me thankful? List as many reason as you can.

3/ How does that make me feel? Expand out the word "good" as much as you can.

It’s a very simple thing to do and can immediately change you mental and emotional state. You can even be in a really tough situation in life, and you can ask yourself, "What am I thankful about in my life right now?" And the answer may be, "Nothing, everything is a disaster." But if you slightly tweak the question, and ask yourself, "What could I be thankful about in my life right now," then you’ll eventually get a different answer. Our minds are the most powerful computers in the world and will search all the files in the "hard drives" of our minds, or our subconscious minds, to find the answers. It may not come right away, but eventually the answers will come to you. If you’re stuck, start with the basics such as your health.

Tony Robbins expands this concept with his "power questions." What you do is yourself these questions in the morning and before you go to bed. You substitute as many words as you can think for "thankful" and start the sequence over again. Some words to substitute can be excited, proud, enjoying, committed to, etc.

Summation: Want be happier? Change what you’re thinking about. How do you change what you’re thinking about? Ask yourself a different question. A better question.

The fact is that we’re all to blessed to be stressed. It’s just a matter of degree of how much we either realize our blessings or overlook them.







2. Kevin Stacey is a professional speaker/trainer who works with organizations that want to enhance their bottom line by investing in their most important resource, their people, through training 
programs that increase their effectiveness and eliminate negativity and self-induced problems. He develops and delivers captivating programs packed with practical information that seminar participants can immediately put to use. With an extensive background in clinical healthcare through both civilian and military settings and the
managed care industry, he has developed a variety of training
programs and presented to over 7,000 participants in 26 states and 3 nations. 

Contact Information:
Kevin M. Stacey

Trainright, Inc.

43 Kosta St.

Worcester, MA 01607


E-mail: Kevin@KevinStacey.com

Web: www.KevinStacey.com or www.TrainRightInc.com
For a free consulting call to determine the most appropriate customized training program for your organization and its particular challenges, call 1-800-603-7168.

For an on-line demo video clip of Kevin in action, click here:

Click below for the curriculum/program highlights of Kevin’s 
corporate training programs:



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