Category: Uncategorized

Quiet The Noise

COVID-19 has presented mankind with the greatest opportunity to slow down and learn how to navigate and quiet our mental noise. When you remove the usual brain stimulation from before the pandemic, you’re still left with about 50,000 daily thoughts; many of which are outrageous and false. These thoughts...

Who’s Your Fact Checker?

We’ve heard a lot lately about the dangers of misinformation. Even Twitter is increasingly flagging posts, with the disclaimer: “the content of this message is disputed and might be misleading.” This is one step in the right direction. What’s even more harmful to us, is our internal messaging: what...

You’re Blocked!

Smartphones make it easy to block someone. Blocked contacts are no longer able to call you or send you messages. It’s liberating, helps you turn the page, and move forward in your life. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to also block certain people and situations mentally? To...

Maybe, Maybe Not

In these uncertain times, it helps to embrace the uncertainty instead than letting it ruin the moment you’re in. What’s saved me a lot of anguish over the years is to keep repeating to myself, “maybe, maybe not.” Maybe the schools will be on a normal schedule this fall,...

Quiet the Busy Mind

During this time of staying at home I’m sure you’re noticing the extensive noise going on in your mind with our 50,000 thoughts a day. These are stressful times and it’s normal to feel those emotions. But I’m talking about self-created and self-inflicted pain from our mental noise that...