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Confrontation and 
Conflict Resolution Skills

Confrontation and Conflict Resolution Skills by Kevin Stacey and TrainRight, Inc.

Essential training for today’s collaborative, team-oriented workplace. Conflict can have a devastating effect on productivity, morale, teamwork and ultimately your organization's bottom line. When handled the right way, conflict can energize, produce change, and bring together opposing parties. 

Learn how to:

  • Choose carefully which battles are worth fighting by getting clear on what
    the big things in your life are and what ought to be the small, trivial, things. 

  • Let go of the people, places and things you can’t control.

  • Make one of the four choices that you can make with difficult people and situations in order to take full responsibility for them. If you’re not making one of these- then you’re not taking responsibility, which is a breeding ground for conflict.

  • Recognize the physical symptoms of anger in order to warn yourself of an
    impending emotional surge.

  • Realize no one makes you feel…you choose how you feel...Step by step,
    how to choose the most positive, productive emotions.

  • Break the automatic link between your emotions and actions by incorporating
    quick “pattern interrupt” techniques to cool yourself down when you feel
    yourself starting to "lose it."

  • See the innocence with others and realize most of the time people are doing the
    best they can and are not out to “get us” personally.

  • Understand the significance of your own beliefs; realize that you always find the
    evidence to back up the beliefs you hold, regardless of whether or not they
    are based on reality.

  • Steer clear of “psycho-sclerosis”- a hardening of the attitudes which causes
    you to be inflexible and stubborn with your thinking.  

  • Appreciate the differences in others, and not frustrate yourself
    by expecting everyone to be the way you think they should be.

  • Separate the person from the problem; what it really means and how to do it.

  • Start potentially uncomfortable conversations in the “third” person, which
    greatly reduces defensiveness. Techniques to help 2 people to agree on the
    same detached, description of the problem.

  • Identify the situations where you should avoid a confrontation at all costs.

  • Use specific ways to deal with manipulative and guilt producing tactics.

  • Understand the “escalation scale” and prevent disagreements from turning into arguments.

  • Make a quick exit until you can get your emotions under control when a situation is too hot to handle or you are being attacked personally or unprofessionally.

  • Discover a “conflict framework” what will guide you, step by step, to a positive
    confrontational encounter.