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Sweating to Splendor 
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Self- Esteem

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National Guard


Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


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Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.


In this issue:

  1. Monthly Article: Job Immunity.
  2. About the author.
  3. Privacy statement.
  4. Subscription information.


1. Job Immunity.

In order to survive in a job setting, you must have an inner core that is immune to getting caught up in all of the craziness around you. Too many people allow their jobs to be THE THING in their lives. When that happens, it’s easy to feel inundated, take things personally, and blow things out of proportion. 

I’m not suggesting that you don’t give your all in a job or professional setting. It’s important that your superiors understand that you’re a conscientious employee who cares and can be relied upon to work hard and get the job done. What I am saying is don’t let the job get all of you. At a deep personal level, you’ve got to know that there are more important things in life. You don’t advertise this at your work setting, and you don’t put any less effort in, but you work smarter. Many people don’t realize that perspective and the ability to perform at your best are closely related. When you’re able to appropriately detach yourself you’re not straining and letting yourself get overwhelmed. You demonstrate more wisdom and restraint in responding to the situations you have to deal with. You can focus and concentrate on one thing at a time. You don’t get yourself immersed in counterproductive things that you can’t control, and you don’t participate in any negativity that may be around you. 

There will always be some people around us that operate out of fear or insecurity and are constantly trying to prove their worth (though they wouldn’t admit this). These folks are not only living in an unhealthful manner, but they’re not functioning at their full capacity, because it is just an exhausting way to live. They are not good role models, and we shouldn’t allow ourselves to compete with them for attention. We must remind ourselves that calm, relaxed, gentle people can also be super achievers.  

An easy analogy is the world of sports. For example, imagine you’re a baseball player standing at home plate waiting to swing at the pitch. If you’re tense, and if you think this at bat is a referendum on you, then you’re in trouble, because you’ll be so overanxious that you won’t react effectively to the pitch. Baseball players seem to be constantly telling themselves that it’s a game, it’s not life and death and there will be a life after the sport passes them by. They realize the link between perspective and performance.

If you’d like to develop more of a defense wall so your inner core is immune to getting caught up in external situations, ask yourself what is really important in life. Remind yourself that this is not life and death and there will be a life after this job. Remind yourself that, chances are, you’ll have several jobs after this one. Also, remember that if this were your last day on the job, somehow, someway, they would find a way to survive without you. No one is irreplaceable. What’s the best thing to do? Do your best each day and go home, leaving your job at the job. What’s the most important thing? Peace of mind. Why? Because life is short and we don’t know how many moments we have left.


2. Kevin Stacey is a professional speaker/trainer who works with organizations that want to enhance their bottom line by investing in their most important resource, their people, through training programs that increase their effectiveness and eliminate negativity and self-induced problems. He develops and delivers captivating programs packed with practical information that seminar participants can immediately put to use. With an extensive background in clinical healthcare through both civilian and military settings and the managed care industry, he has developed a variety of training programs and presented over 400 professional speaking engagements for over 9,000 audience members throughout the United States and internationally. 

Contact Information:
Kevin M. Stacey

TrainRight, Inc.

222 Samuel Drive

Whitinsville, MA 01588


E-mail: Kevin@KevinStacey.com

Web: www.KevinStacey.com or www.TrainRightInc.com
For a free consulting call to determine the most appropriate customized training program for your organization and its particular challenges, call 1-800-603-7168.

For an on-line demo video clip of Kevin in action, click here:

Click below for the curriculum/program highlights of Kevin’s corporate training programs:



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