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Sweating to Splendor 
Mental Toughness        



Self- Esteem

Conflict Resolution

Buzz Bowl 

Team Building
Time Management
Change Management
Presentation Skills
National Guard


Copyright 2003 Kevin Stacey. All rights reserved.

Click here to order the Mental Toughness CD


In this issue:

  1. Monthly Article: What are you looking for?
  2. About the author.
  3. Privacy statement.
  4. Subscription information.


1. What are you looking for?

There are over 6 billion people in the world, only 290 million of whom live in the United States. How many billions of people, spread out over the 7 continents, do you think would love to trade places with you and live with the circumstances you have in your life? Not only love to trade places with you, but would be dancing with joy on a daily basis? Three billion? Four billion? I’m sure the number is staggering. We have only 7% of the world’s population, but we use over half of the world’s natural resources. With all that we have here, you’d think that we must be the most ecstatic society on record. The truth is we’re not even close. We take the most number per capita of antidepressants, antacids, sleeping pills, and have the highest number of psycho-somatic illness.

Why? I think it’s because of what we choose to focus on. Whatever it is we’re looking for in our lives we always find. No matter how horrible things may seem, you can always find something which to be grateful. No matter how much everyone around you can see all the ways you are blessed, you can always find something that doesn’t measure up to your expectations. Since we can only hold one thought at a time in our conscious minds and there is too much potential information for us to take in all at once, by mental law we exclude the things other than what we are currently focusing on. Sadly, when we are looking at what is wrong and lacking we overlook and take for granted the daily miracles that surrounds us. At any given point it’s either, "How can things be better?" or, "This is just so awesome the way it is right now."

The other potential problem is that since we become what we think about most of the time, we manifest in our lives whatever we focus on and cause those exact circumstances to grow bigger in our experience. For example, you don’t get wealthy by hating being poor. If you focus on how you hate being poor, that’s exactly what you get more of- poverty.

The mind is a powerful tool that can be used to cause self-induced pain and depression or to transcend difficult circumstances and see things in ways that keep us content. In fact, I’m sure we all know of people who we may think they have nothing, but they don’t see it that way. Or people who we may think are challenged either physically, emotionally, or some other way, but they don’t see it that way.

How to do you change what you’re looking for and therefore focusing on? The answer is surprisingly easy. You simply ask yourself a different question. We are constantly asking ourselves questions. Whatever question you ask, your mind searches all of the "data" in your life to come up with an answer. Tony Robbins uses a series of questions in his technique called "power questions." Here’s some examples:

What am I grateful about in my life right now?

What about that makes me grateful?

How does that make me feel?

What am I excited about in my life right now?

What about that makes me excited?

How does that make me feel?

What am I enjoying most in my life right now?

What about that do I enjoy?
How does that make me feel?

You can think of many others. If you’ll just ask yourself better questions you’ll see amazing results. If your struggling to come up with an answer, start with the basics that are easy to take for granted until they are in danger of being taken away- things like health, loved ones, family members, relationships, financial stability, daily conveniences, our physical environment, etc. If you’re still struggling slightly tweak the question and say, "What could I be enjoying most in my life right now?" Your mind will search and eventually come up with an answer.

Another technique you can use is the "yeah but" method. Whenever you catch yourself brooding in negativity you quickly shift by saying "yeah but" to yourself. For example- "These kids are driving me nuts." "Yeah but, I’m so glad they’re healthy and I couldn’t imagine life without them."

The bottom line is, the way your life is right now is the way your life is right now. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be, it is the way it is. The good news is that you can make your life much more satisfying not by changing any of the external circumstances, but just by changing what you are looking for. None of us know how many moments we have left. Since you don’t know, and since you are in this moment already, you might as well make the best of it and be happy. Your level of happiness is determined by your thoughts and what you are focusing on in any given moment. Do you want to be happy? If so, stop brooding on things that are wrong and start marveling at what is good right now.


2. Kevin Stacey is a professional speaker/trainer who works with organizations that want to enhance their bottom line by investing in their most important resource, their people, through training programs that increase their effectiveness and eliminate negativity and self-induced problems. He develops and delivers captivating programs packed with practical information that seminar participants can immediately put to use. With an extensive background in clinical healthcare through both civilian and military settings and the managed care industry, he has developed a variety of training programs and 300 professional speaking engagements for over 8,000 audience members throughout the United States and internationally. 

Contact Information:
Kevin M. Stacey

TrainRight, Inc.

43 Kosta St.

Worcester, MA 01607


E-mail: Kevin@KevinStacey.com

Web: www.KevinStacey.com or www.TrainRightInc.com
For a free consulting call to determine the most appropriate customized training program for your organization and its particular challenges, call 1-800-603-7168.

For an on-line demo video clip of Kevin in action, click here:

Click below for the curriculum/program highlights of Kevin’s corporate training programs:



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